Thursday, 27 August 2009
Learning to love...
Sounds easy but it's hard really, you've got to play it just right. Speed off into the distance on your own before you leave the carpark and 1 of 2 things can happen first is that you get dropped within 5 mins having spent your meagre load quicker then jakey spends their giro. 2nd is that you run off on your own, lost to the world and your compatriots suffering, where's the fun in that? No my friends i'm classier then that, i played the minnow in a small pond card perfectly (if i do say so myself). Started out nice and easy, reeling them, but i thought it rude to be leading. Imagine my joy when a young whipper snapper (aged 43) joined the front group and then continued to increase the pace! This was good because it meant i had someone to punish and also because, as they were a regular the others were more likely to chase and so inflict pain on themselves. It was then that we were side by side, slowly edging away from what was the leading micro group. I had some idea of the route but before too much distance was put between my SNBF (super new best friend) and the old boys i turned and asked that the route be confirmed. Enlightened with this knowledge, it was a case of GAME ON! Running side by side with SNBF up a pretty gentle gradient which i knew would last a while it was time to test the water. Gradually increasing the pace, turning the screw until you can hear your SNBFs breathing start to deepen, this is the time to keep turning! So thats exactly what i did, turning slowly, a barely noticable increase in pace, until, a small gap...
Thats when i have a dilemma, speed up or slow down? I think we know where this went. The only was is up, yeah baby!! And so that's how i spent the rest of the run, slowly trying to wring as much pain as possible from my unsuspecting SNBFs. It was awesome! By the time we got back to the finish i was soaking wet and my legs were covered in nettle stings. I'd pummelled the competition into submission and taken no prisoners. It was with no small sense of achievement that, back at the clubhouse, i thanked wally (63), arthur(61) and beryl (74) for their time and offered a few tips before jumping in the car for a shower... See you next week suckers!!!!
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
Normal service is resumed
Monday, 27 July 2009
au revoir...
Having had no plan other then to watch as many of the stages as possible and having made no arrangements for accomodation it might have been a bit of a disaster. In fact it was quite the opposite, the van was pretty easy to look after and camping consisted of driving it into a place where is would fit before either heading of to watch the tour or cooking up a meal, having a few beers and passing out. Water is available in almost all villages from a fountain and we had nothing but good experiences everywhere we went. Id thoroughly recommend visiting the tour to anyone, but if youre going to do it, make the effort and get yourself up a mountain. You wont be disappointed...
Sent by emoze push mail
Sunday, 26 July 2009
check it out!
Sent by emoze push mail
Saturday, 25 July 2009
Sent by emoze push mail
eaten by a giant
Sent by emoze push mail
Friday, 24 July 2009
time for t?
Sent by emoze push mail
Thursday, 23 July 2009
meanwhile, back at the ranch...
Sent by emoze push mail
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
allez allez allez!
Sent by emoze push mail
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
getting proper!
Sent by emoze push mail
Monday, 20 July 2009
Sent by emoze push mail
Sent by emoze push mail
Monday, 13 July 2009
God bless you michel thomas
Je voudrais des biere
nous voudrais des biere
vous avez des biere
Je suis un mere encule - Michel, you never taught me this but I thank you anyway!
Essential French as you can see, but why, I hear you ask would a person need to know these phrases? Well, wonder no more 'cause I will reveal all, haw haw!! If you're reading this on the day it's ecrit then you will be reading it cinq journees before moi un ma trois amis partir pour Francais. Nous allons voir le tour de france.
An we go in style my friends for behold the beautiful transportation what we have arranged for ourselves...
It is right loverly or what what, yes yes? Bagsy bottom bunk my darh je lings cause hot air rises dunnit and three blokes all squirting royally is a lot of 'ot air, innit...
That's all for now but I hope to be able to update the blog whilst I is away on my vacances. Photo's an all! Must pack now, ta ta.
Sunday, 5 July 2009
Seeing as I didn't it was a bit of a Hobson's choice, and so it was that I found myself getting up at silly o'clock on a Sunday morning for the 2nd attempt of the weekend. There was rain when I left to get to the HQ and it seemed to be getting worse on the way. Luckily enough it had stopped by the time I started and although the road had some surface water it was still quite warm and the drying out nicely. The wind wasn't so much of a factor this time and to cut it short before you fall asleep I got across the line in 59:38. Really pleased to have cracked the hour with the same kit I started the season with. Will keep an eye out for the Sunday course again. It was the B25/4, can't help thinking I was lucky to get starts at both. The reason for entering two was that I expected to get rejected from at least one of them.
Friday, 3 July 2009
this, is it...
90 minutes before - caffeine load:
Drink one 750ml bottle of Energy drink 90 minutes before your race starts. At the same time take the following Energy Gel sachets
based on body weight:
70kg to 90kg: 3 x EnergyGel Plus
during your race:
If your ride is less than one hour: swill Energy drink around your mouth for
a few seconds and spit it out (like mouth wash). If you swallow it does not work. Repeat every 5 to 10 minutes. If it’s hot or your race lasts more than one hour, ignore this advice and instead start drinking Energy drink 10 minutes
before the start and during your race.
recovery after:
To re hydrate, refuel and to increase the development of lean muscle: drink 500ml to 1000ml of Energy drink after you finish.
Could be interesting...
Monday, 8 June 2009
Thursday, 28 May 2009
I'm never really very good at remembering details of races but basically I spent a lot of time on my own and with various people off the front of the pack. I think a more committed trio or perhaps duo could have got away and stayed away but frankly the people that I teamed up with were either unwilling or unable to do the work necessary to stay out in front. So with that it all eventually went down to a bunch sprint, this is normally where I would have come unstuck having done so much previously but not this time. I held my position when the last two laps were called and even led out the penultimate lap. I let up for the briefest time in order to get a wheel to suck as close to the front as possible for the last windy drag before two lefts and the slight rise towards the line. I held my position here too and even going around the outside stayed true to my new best friends wheel. I was so fooked at this point I couldn't even get out of the saddle, I just had to sit there with my head down trying to turn the gear over as quickly as I possibly could. The excitement was immense as I headed towards the line, I was looking in front and knew that I was in the points but could see people around me and wasn't really sure what position I'd got. What a great race! I'm thinking about going back there next Tuesday with backup to see if it was all just a fluke or if I can get an even better result and those last 5 points...
Monday, 25 May 2009
Mr potato head
The cycling up here in Suffolk is fantastic, much quieter roads in a better condition then the ones around South London and Northern Surrey. Looking forward to figuring out ways of avoiding the busier ones and discovering where best to jack up with the obligatory caffeine spike.
I'd done a minuscule amount of research for the route, not a super fast DC but a bit of a sporting affair. Was still hoping for a respectable time though what with the good weather. Bought the Powertap with me for this one and was treating it as a bit of a FTP test. I'd also planned to use the wheel covers I've got with the PT in order to knock a few seconds off my time. Unfortunately the shoes weren't the only thing I'd forgotten, in order to fit the wheel covers you need to remove the cassette. Not going to happen without the right tools though, is it? Double d'oh!! Race went reasonably well, my HR average creeped up from 170 to 172 for the effort when compared to the last TT I did. I'd say I went harder in this race then the last one but the slower course and less aero kit meant that a slower time was on the cards. Finished with 1:03:47 which I'm pretty pleased with.
Friday, 22 May 2009
I just pee'd my pants
Found this on the BBC website, this guy signed up for the sportive version of the first TdF stage that went from London to Canterbury in 2007. Check out his expression after his first long ride!!
Friday, 15 May 2009
Fish and chips...
Sunday, 10 May 2009
A downward trend?
Sunday, 26 April 2009
Sunday, 19 April 2009
Before, during and after

Sunday, 12 April 2009
Café con leche...
Got back from Majorca this week having spent a "cheap" week away in more clement weather. Sit back...
Day 1:
Booked the earliest/cheapest flight possible. Met a colleague at his house in Copthorne, Sussex at the ungodly hour of 3am. Pretty pain free once awake and after flight and transfer we arrived in Santa Ponsa at midday. Was pretty tired by then but we put the bikes together before the phone in the room went and we were invited for a quick ride out with two others. The trip was planned by Addiscombe CC, my second claim club. To put things in perspective the guy I was rooming with had done 60 miles this year and had never used clipless pedals before this trip. I've been commuting for the last 5 months but haven't really done any high intensity rides with others. The two others are pretty keen 2nd/3rd cats (I think). Anyway, the weather wasn't great but as we left it was dry if a little overcast. Did about thirty miles, got our first taste of Majorcan rain, sunshine and one of the four got their first taste of Majorcan tarmac. Nothing serious, a bit of road rash and a hole in the elbow.
Day 2:
Everyone who was coming had turned up by midday for the first of the longer rides. Rode out over a few gentle climbs. The climbs felt so much more manageable then the Pyrenean ones I been on in the past. Consistent gradients and shorter climbs made for a much happier Rob, I even managed to keep up with the light weights who were there :)
All begins to turn into a bit of a blur from here on in. I think I can sum it up by saying that I had a great week. Caught a bit of Sun, did some decent mileage, noticed some big improvements in my bike handling, noticed some reasonable improvements in fitness after the winter and was
there with a good bunch. A big thumbs up for Majorca, thoroughly recommended...
Thursday, 9 April 2009
And... There off!

Had meant to post before now but haven't really had too much time.
First thing to mention is the Ballbuster. Had trained the preceding week and had a few beers the evening before so wasn't really expecting too much if anything out of the race. The weather on race day was great, clear skies and a little chilly. Started of at a real steady pace on the first run was aware that I wasn't running as hard as I could but then I've done the event before so knew that there was still a lot of the event left to do. A friend came up with me and I'd left him my camera in order to to catch some of the magic as it happened. Was good to see him on each of the laps and get some encouragement.
Onto the bike and hammered the first lap, was really enjoying the dry roads and ropey triathlon handling skills of some of the other riders. Made up some easy places whenever the road started to twist and from memory I don't think I was overtaken on the bike. Calmed the pace down
a little on the second lap with the last run in mind and got caught up behind a car on the last lap towards the end of little Switzerland. Spun my legs for the hill at the end of the last lap and went past Chris, Lisa and Dave as they went up Box Hill. Again cheers for the support, I'm sure you all rushed home and ordered your own compression socks having seen just how good they look on me!
Getting off the bike at the top was interesting, the legs didn't feel like they were going to respond well to running as I hobbled my way towards transition. Still, once I got going and after a short comfort stop I settled into a nice pace. I was wearing the GPS watch throughout and I seemed ot be keepign a good pace on teh run so was pretty happy. Managed to take a few people over on teh last ascent of the Hill and finish in a reasonable 3:14 something.
All in all a pretty pleasing first effort to start racing with the season. Pretty pleased overall for a number of reasons including the beating of my previous time by 7ish minutes with what I thought was a much lesser effort, the even run splits and a good bike leg. If the running is going well over Summer I think I might go back and have a crack at a sub three hour time...
Saturday, 14 March 2009
Double hard bastard
3 x 10 mins as 15 secs on 15 secs off. I'd been told to stay in the same gear for the whole session and aim for a cadence of 120. Surprisingly enough the PT actually worked for the whole session which is great because without it I wouldn't have had much of a clue as to what I was doing and probably wouldn't have got so much out of it. The warm up involved getting my HR up to 160 and then... POW, the efforts begin. Got the feel after the first few that 400 watts minimum for 15 secs repeated would make for a good target. Depressing to think that some Pros put this power out for hours rather then seconds...
Halfway through first set HR is creeping up to 175, sweat everywhere, not sure I can do another 50 of these. 2nd set HR still creeping up, having lost faith in the PT HR reading I'm using the trusty suunto. It has a measurement of training effect for each session and also EPOC values. These are also creeping up. Bogeys start flying about halfway through the 2nd set and I'm spitting on the floor of my garage trying to make the efforts just slightly easier. 3rd set, even after the 5 min recovery I'm feeling awful straight away, the album I'm listening too runs out and some dreary song comes on after effort number 43/60. Walkman is flung to one side, that sort of music isn't helping. I'm battling against the clock and coming off second best, 15 seconds seems like forever on the effort and I barely notice it for the recovery. The cadence and power numbers are staying where they should be but the legs are not my friends. Last few efforts and I get a visit from a neighbour asking to borrow a saw. It's all I can do to point a finger at a box where he trys his luck. I realise that I'm down to the last two efforts and then I'm done. Thank **** for that!
Saturday, 7 March 2009
Schizophrenic weather...
Training wise things have seemed pretty good after the cough/snow/NY triple combo. A more dedicated athlete would have found a way to overcome but I sat back and let the storm pass. That was a while ago now and I have manged to get some higher quality runs in as well as bike commutes, turbo sessions and some almost regular weekend rides of generally sedate intensity levels. Having mentioned crappy weather earlier it does seem as though you can almost feel Spring. It's got to the point now where I'm riding too and from work in daylight. Bonus! It certainly felt like I'm begining to at least feel the benefits of a long steady winter's training. The easy commutes aren't the most glamorous of rides, but they have , for the most part, been consistent, frankly I think that's the key. All will become clear though as the season progresses...
On the horizon for now is the Ballbuster at the end of March (I'm entered and paid up so I guess I'm doing it), a trip to Majorca in early April and perhaps the Dragon Slayer Duathlon and the ACC Broadbridge Heath 25 towards the end of the month.
Would like to have done a lot more running and be a bit faster but such is life, at least it's still the early season and there is another one at the end of the year. I think with a decent spring/summer I might be able to crack 3 hours...
Saturday, 14 February 2009
Stardate Feb 2009
Thursday, 29 January 2009
The futures bright...
And my bogeys are orange. That's a good thing of course because it means that I'm over the worst of the cold that ended up with me having the last week away from the bike. It seems like ages since I last had a cold so I guess I was owed one. I've ordered up some neovite as I'm reliably informed that it stops you from getting colds and makes you go fast.
So now it's back to the training, a ten day block courtesy of the coach. First day back on the bike today for the commute and it felt ok, went for a ME type ride and made pretty good time. Will need to start running again shortly if I want to get a decent time at the BB...
Saturday, 24 January 2009
A winter workout
Just realised that you can update the blog by email! Blinding! I might
start posting more often now I know that.
Anyway, the story since November has been a good one. I hadn't realised
that it had been quite so long as it had...
First things first, there's been a few changes to the look of this blog
as a result of joining up with TSN after an invitation from Chris S. Got
a tasty looking jersey on order and hoping to have enough cash to be
able to afford some 2xu kit ASAP. There have been some thoughts about
another steed but I'm not going to be able to talk about that!
Haven't done any racing in the new kit yet but have entered the
Ballbuster at the end of March and hoping to put in a reasonable time on
the day after the consistent training I've been doing.
The ankle that I mentioned in the other post took a bit longer to heal
then I would have hoped but thinking back it was pretty badly bruised
and was making some nice clicking noises at the time so maybe I was a
bit naive to think that it would be gone in a week or two. Skipped the
running for a while as a result of this before heading out on some nice
easy runs with the GF. Been coming along nicely and in the last few
weeks I've been running 8miles in a hour and feeling really comfortable.
It's hard to quantify at this point of the year but all I've really done
is very low intensity workouts on the bike and when running as well as
some weight work in the gym and it all feels like it's coming together.
Everything has gone really well even with Christmas with the exception
of a cold that I picked up this week which has meant I've taken a few
days out.