Friday, 3 July 2009

this, is it...

Got two TTs for the price of one this weekend both on flat courses, both on what should be warm days. One of them should be at least mildly wind free. I've got my race nutrition plan sorted courtesy of XXXXXX. Won't be using their products but will be following there doses:

90 minutes before - caffeine load:
Drink one 750ml bottle of Energy drink 90 minutes before your race starts. At the same time take the following Energy Gel sachets
based on body weight:
70kg to 90kg: 3 x EnergyGel Plus
during your race:
If your ride is less than one hour: swill Energy drink around your mouth for
a few seconds and spit it out (like mouth wash). If you swallow it does not work. Repeat every 5 to 10 minutes. If it’s hot or your race lasts more than one hour, ignore this advice and instead start drinking Energy drink 10 minutes
before the start and during your race.
recovery after:
To re hydrate, refuel and to increase the development of lean muscle: drink 500ml to 1000ml of Energy drink after you finish.

Could be interesting...

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