Got thinking today about when things are enjoyable, sometimes before, sometimes during and sometimes after. For me racing is at it's most enjoyable once I've finished...
Had entered the Dragonslayer Duathlon a month or so ago with Mr B and promptly forgot all about it until the last few days. A text from Mr B turned up last night offering a lift, bonus! Got up this morning and thought to myself; can I be bothered? I had similar feelings before the Ballbuster last month but like then I managed to get out of bed and sort my bag and bike out before being picked up. The venue today was Hog Hill or Redbridge cycling centre (whichever you prefer). Never been before heard that it was a good venue, brand new, great facilities. The course that we had marked out for us was a 2k circuit heading in a anti clockwise direction.
Hog Hill

The distances were 7.5 run, 40k and 5k. Four laps run, twenty laps bike and three laps run. The first run lap was on the circuit and the rest were off roadaround the perimeter. First run went well, pace was a bit spicy at first, so got into own rhythm and on the last lap I had started overtaking people who were punching above the weight in the early stages. The course was surprisingly cruel, you start of at the highest point on the course before dropping height towards the furthest edge of the course. There's a nagging headwind/drag/hill all the way back to the start. Choose to ride the Focus today as thought that the TT bike might be difficult to manage in the wind on a "technical" course. Think I'd have been better of the TT bike in hindsight but doubt if it would have been that much faster. Got lapped by Mr B at some point, not sure when but couldn't match his speed so just got on with my own thing. Twenty laps was hard going, especially watching the numbers creeping up as slowly as they seemed to be. Onto the last run and I was pretty spent, been skipping run sessions recently and so it was always going to hurt having already been on the go for the best part of two hours. Started to feel my right calf twinge a bit on the first descent and so stoppped to stretch it out for a bit before carrying on. Glad I did as I never had a problem after. The run laps were on the mtb circuit and it was really quite cruel, a downhill away from the clubhouse, then up a steady drag before s-bends down the other side. A nagging headwind (again) along a wooden bridge followed by some berms and the start of the uphill towards the end of the lap, The course went a little wild around here but the organisers had covered the worst of it in tarpaulin. In fairness the oraganisation was spot on. The marshalls had lists of names and I got plenty of personalised support which was cool. There was a race t shirt AKA bikecleaner, drink, energy gel and even some food in the goody bag. For me these little things turn a good race into a great race and while I was suffering on the last lap it was made bearable (just) by the marshalls. Had a quick peak behind on the last lap and knew there was no one in front ot catch or behind to be caught by so I didn't have to dig in to save a place or defend one...
Now, this is always my favourite bit! Finally giving in to all those bodily urges to stop doing whatever it is that is causing the pain. Had a quick drink and a chat with a few people. Got a compliment from a guy I'd been near on the bike about my handling skills, this put a massive smile on my face! Going back to the organisation; they had timing chips. At the end of the race they had a flatscreen set up with a nummber pad attached. Type in any number and see their finishing position .18th - Sweet mate!! Having not run much since Ballbuster I was pretty pleased with this. Moonwalked my way into the changing rooms and had a much needed shower before packing up and heading back with Mr B. Mr B came 6th overall which is pretty awesome considering that he's only recently finished his first marathon (Paris) in 2:50 something.
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