I headed over to Hillingdon in pursuit of points and managed to achieve just that. 5th place gets me 5 points so I'm now halfway to my 3rd cat license. I also got a tenner for my efforts as well!! I was smiling so much afterwards that I anyone watching might have thought that I'd been sniffing glue or perhaps something even stronger with the local crackheads in the park next door.
I'm never really very good at remembering details of races but basically I spent a lot of time on my own and with various people off the front of the pack. I think a more committed trio or perhaps duo could have got away and stayed away but frankly the people that I teamed up with were either unwilling or unable to do the work necessary to stay out in front. So with that it all eventually went down to a bunch sprint, this is normally where I would have come unstuck having done so much previously but not this time. I held my position when the last two laps were called and even led out the penultimate lap. I let up for the briefest time in order to get a wheel to suck as close to the front as possible for the last windy drag before two lefts and the slight rise towards the line. I held my position here too and even going around the outside stayed true to my new best friends wheel. I was so fooked at this point I couldn't even get out of the saddle, I just had to sit there with my head down trying to turn the gear over as quickly as I possibly could. The excitement was immense as I headed towards the line, I was looking in front and knew that I was in the points but could see people around me and wasn't really sure what position I'd got. What a great race! I'm thinking about going back there next Tuesday with backup to see if it was all just a fluke or if I can get an even better result and those last 5 points...
New Radio Show!
5 years ago
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