Je voudrais des biere
nous voudrais des biere
vous avez des biere
Je suis un mere encule - Michel, you never taught me this but I thank you anyway!
Essential French as you can see, but why, I hear you ask would a person need to know these phrases? Well, wonder no more 'cause I will reveal all, haw haw!! If you're reading this on the day it's ecrit then you will be reading it cinq journees before moi un ma trois amis partir pour Francais. Nous allons voir le tour de france.
An we go in style my friends for behold the beautiful transportation what we have arranged for ourselves...
It is right loverly or what what, yes yes? Bagsy bottom bunk my darh je lings cause hot air rises dunnit and three blokes all squirting royally is a lot of 'ot air, innit...
That's all for now but I hope to be able to update the blog whilst I is away on my vacances. Photo's an all! Must pack now, ta ta.
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