Sunday, 13 April 2008

My number is up...

Bought a power tap (PT) about three weeks ago and before that I'd been using a Kurt Kinetic (KK)computer on my KK turbo. I had the tools to measure what I was doing but what should I be doing?

As a guide for this I got a plan, one from Hunter Coggan. Unfortunately I bought one based on a figure provided to me by the KK computer, which obviously felt a bit sorry for me as compared to the PT the numbers I was producing were much higher. What this has meant is that I've had to work much harder for the same figures on the PT when compared with the KK. The first week was really hard but I seem to be adapting to it a bit more now that I'm a few weeks into it. I've seen some of my CP numbers improve, which is nice. Being an idiot I thought that just owning the PT and working to a plan would guarantee instant improvements without any effort. This has not been the case, the PT and plan have given me some of the toughest training weeks I've ever done. I'm no Pro, actually I'm not really any good at all. I like to ride the bike and would be pleased to get points in a local league bike race or go under the hour in a 25 mile TT.

As luck would have it my work hours have changed recently and I've been starting early and finishing early which has meant I've had the early afternoons to train. Monday - Friday is spent in the "Drago Lab" - my garage, weekends are for going outside.

Anyway, there's a clearer overview of what this blog is going to be about. I'm going to dribble on about my training and results. I'll stick the occasional photo up, brag about the stuff I'm proud of, whine about the stuff that's annoying me and brush over any mistakes I make, enjoy...

1 comment:

Nicoli Koloff said...

A true Drago would not let his lab fall into the state of disrespect you have.

You bring shame upon the hammer.