Had a physiological assessment at the SPARC centre in Roehampton today. Lloyd the tester was really helpful, I was part of his dissertation. He is trying to prove accuracy of Hunter Coggans FTP test when compared to a MAP test. The format of the test was this...
The Tests:
The assessment involves one visit to Roehampton University SPARC laboratory lasting 3-4 hours during which time two maximal cycle performance tests will be undertaken.
The first test is a VO2max test used to identify maximum O2 uptake and usage, maximum aerobic power, threshold points and power at threshold. This test will last approximately 15 mins and be followed by a rest period of 1 hour. Following this the second test for ‘functional threshold power’ will be conducted, this last approximately 40 mins and incorporates periods of maximal and sub maximal work. The tests will completed on cycle ergometers equipped with power meters and connected to respiratory analysis.
At the end of the session you will be given some feedback on your performance with some results explained, you will then be sent a report by e-mail detailing your performance data and its implications for training and competition.
Body Fat % 15.85
VO2 Max: 4.65l/min
Max aerobic power 425 or 5.4w/kg
Power @ Threshold 350 or 4.4 w/kg
HR Max 195
HR Threshold 179-184
FTP 288 = 303w avg for 20mins -5%
I actually really enjoyed myself today. I got higher numbers for the power of both tests then I expected. I worked hard on the MAP test and was pleased with the result but felt I might have lasted a bit longer. Lloyd said that looking at the com-pew-ta I had peaked and any longer then this would have been anaerobic which wouldn't have been the point of this test. Got to say that it felt pretty anaerobic to me, my HR at the end of the test was 195 which is the highest I've seen it at for a while. Lloyd then went through all the results for the first test with me and explained what I should be capable of for the next test - the Coggan test.
The format for this was a five minute as hard as you can effort followed by the 20minute effort. Both of these had been preceded with a warm up that included some high cadence leg spinning. I didn't really feel like going too hard on the 5 minute effort and when I was looking at the HR monitor I could see that I wasn't trying as hard as I should have. This was duly noted when I stopped between the efforts and it was pointed out that I had been a wussy, I wasn't too bothered though as I had decided to go for broke on the twenty minute effort.
Having used the PT I thought that the expected power figures were a bit ambitious but I wasn't on the PT, I was using SRMs so maybe that would account for some extra watts, what with the measurement being closer to the source i.e. measuring device at the cranks rather then the hub. It didn't matter though because I now knew HR threshold so I decided to ignore all the power readings for this effort and concentrate on getting my HR up and my cadence steady, the power would take care of itself. I started out and got my HR up and managed to stay in or very close to said HR threshold levels for the entire effort so I was really pleased with that. I've got the srm file from the session that I'll try and add somehow, TTFN...
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