Sunday, 26 April 2009


We'd been forecast heavy rain mid week so waking up to see clear skies was a bit of a bonus. The two hours sleep prior to waking up were a little less then I would have chosen but beggars can't be choosers and I had to work so that was that. 

Managed to get to the with time for a quick warmup on the turbo before heading off to the start just as my two minute man was beign pushed off...

The course was the G25/53 and the event was being hosted by ACC the second claim club. I'd chosen avg speed, HR and time as the info screens on the Garmin and I'd managed to average about 36kph by the time I got to Tollgate roundabout, I was hoping to make up a little more time then I did on the back to Southwater and beyond but only managed to get the avg. speed up to 38.5 as I crossed the line with a 1:02:52. Won't complain too much as it is a PB, but it was a nice still day even if it was a little cold. 

I think I could have done a little better if I'd concentrated a bit more. I've only done 3 25's including today's and so I could probably benefit from a little more experience. Anyway, as I said I can't moan too much as it was a PB and it is April so plenty of time to crack the hour.

Lastly was good to see a few TSN guys out today, nice to meet some of you for the first time. Now where did I put my handbook... 

Sunday, 19 April 2009

Before, during and after

Did the second double hard bastard session this week. The PT has had a firmware upgrade and I wrapped a piece of t-shirt around the head unit to prevent it being drenched in sweat. This seems to have done the trick as the signal didn't drop out once, even the HR worked for whole session. Even managed higher power and speed avgs for the session then last time and didn't feel anywhere near as awlful after. A good sign that things are going in the right direction?...

Got thinking today about when things are enjoyable, sometimes before, sometimes during and sometimes after. For me racing is at it's most enjoyable once I've finished...

Had entered the Dragonslayer Duathlon a month or so ago with Mr B and promptly forgot all about it until the last few days. A text from Mr B turned up last night offering a lift, bonus! Got up this morning and thought to myself; can I be bothered? I had similar feelings before the Ballbuster last month but like then I managed to get out of bed and sort my bag and bike out before being picked up. The venue today was Hog Hill or Redbridge cycling centre (whichever you prefer). Never been before heard that it was a good venue, brand new, great facilities. The course that we had marked out for us was a 2k circuit heading in a anti clockwise direction. 

Hog Hill 

The distances were 7.5 run, 40k and 5k. Four laps run, twenty laps bike and three laps run. The first run lap was on the circuit and the rest were off roadaround the perimeter. First run went well, pace was a bit spicy at first, so got into own rhythm and on the last lap I had started overtaking people who were punching above the weight in the early stages. The course was surprisingly cruel, you start of at the highest point on the course before dropping height towards the furthest edge of the course. There's a nagging headwind/drag/hill all the way back to the start. Choose to ride the Focus today as thought that the TT bike might be difficult to manage in the wind on a "technical" course. Think I'd have been better of the TT bike in hindsight but doubt if it would have been that much faster. Got lapped by Mr B at some point, not sure when but couldn't match his speed so just got on with my own thing. Twenty laps was hard going, especially watching the numbers creeping up as slowly as they seemed to be. Onto the last run and I was pretty spent, been skipping run sessions recently and so it was always going to hurt having already been on the go for the best part of two hours. Started to feel my right calf twinge a bit on the first descent and so stoppped to stretch it out for a bit before carrying on. Glad I did as I never had a problem after. The run laps were on the mtb circuit and it was really quite cruel, a downhill away from the clubhouse, then up a steady drag before s-bends down the other side. A nagging headwind (again) along a wooden bridge followed by some berms and the start of the uphill towards the end of the lap, The course went a little wild around here but the organisers had covered the worst of it in tarpaulin. In fairness the oraganisation was spot on. The marshalls had lists of names and I got plenty of personalised support which was cool. There was a race t shirt AKA bikecleaner, drink, energy gel and even some food in the goody bag. For me these little things turn a good race into a great race and while I was suffering on the last lap it was made bearable (just) by the marshalls. Had a quick peak behind on the last lap and knew there was no one in front ot catch or behind to be caught by so I didn't have to dig in to save a place or defend one...

Now, this is always my favourite bit! Finally giving in to all those bodily urges to stop doing whatever it is that is causing the pain. Had a quick drink and a chat with a few people. Got a compliment from a guy I'd been near on the bike about my handling skills, this put a massive smile on my face! Going back to the organisation; they had timing chips. At the end of the race they had a flatscreen set up with a nummber pad attached. Type in any number and see their finishing position .18th - Sweet mate!! Having not run much since Ballbuster I was pretty pleased with this. Moonwalked my way into the changing rooms and had a much needed shower before packing up and heading back with Mr B. Mr B came 6th overall which is pretty awesome considering that he's only recently finished his first marathon (Paris) in 2:50 something. 


Sunday, 12 April 2009

Café con leche...


Got back from Majorca this week having spent a "cheap" week away in more clement weather. Sit back...

Day 1:
Booked the earliest/cheapest flight possible. Met a colleague at his house in Copthorne, Sussex at the ungodly hour of 3am. Pretty pain free once awake and after flight and transfer we arrived in Santa Ponsa at midday. Was pretty tired by then but we put the bikes together before the phone in the room went and we were invited for a quick ride out with two others. The trip was planned by Addiscombe CC, my second claim club. To put things in perspective the guy I was rooming with had done 60 miles this year and had never used clipless pedals before this trip.  I've been commuting for the last 5 months but haven't really done any high intensity rides with others. The two others are pretty keen 2nd/3rd cats (I think). Anyway, the weather wasn't great but as we left it was dry if a little overcast. Did about thirty miles, got our first taste of  Majorcan rain, sunshine and one of the four got their first taste of Majorcan tarmac. Nothing serious, a bit of road rash and a hole in the elbow.

Day 2:
Everyone who was coming had turned up by midday for the first of the longer rides. Rode out over a few gentle climbs. The climbs felt so much more manageable then the Pyrenean ones I been on in the past. Consistent gradients and shorter climbs made for a much happier Rob, I even managed to keep up with the light weights who were there :)

All begins to turn into a bit of a blur from here on in. I think I can sum it up by saying that I had a great week. Caught a bit of Sun, did some decent mileage, noticed some big improvements in my bike handling, noticed some reasonable improvements in fitness after the winter and was
there with a good bunch. A big thumbs up for Majorca, thoroughly recommended...

Thursday, 9 April 2009

And... There off!

Had meant to post before now but haven't really had too much time.

First thing to mention is the Ballbuster. Had trained the preceding week and had a few beers the evening before so wasn't really expecting too much if anything out of the race. The weather on race day was great, clear skies and a little chilly. Started of at a real steady pace on the first run was aware that I wasn't running as hard as I could but then I've done the event before so knew that there was still a lot of the event left to do. A friend came up with me and I'd left him my camera in order to to catch some of the magic as it happened. Was good to see him on each of the laps and get some encouragement.

Onto the bike and hammered the first lap, was really enjoying the dry roads and ropey triathlon handling skills of some of the other riders. Made up some easy places whenever the road started to twist and from memory I don't think I was overtaken on the bike. Calmed the pace down
a little on the second lap with the last run in mind and got caught up behind a car on the last lap towards the end of little Switzerland. Spun my legs for the hill at the end of the  last lap and went past Chris, Lisa and Dave as they went up Box Hill. Again cheers for the support, I'm sure you all rushed home and ordered your own compression socks having seen just how good they look on me!

Getting off the bike at the top was interesting, the legs didn't feel like they were going to respond well to running as I hobbled my way towards transition. Still, once I got going and after a short comfort stop I settled into a nice pace. I was wearing the GPS watch throughout and I seemed ot be keepign a good pace on teh run so was pretty happy. Managed to take a few people over on teh last ascent of the Hill and finish in a reasonable 3:14 something.

All in all a pretty pleasing first effort to start racing with the season. Pretty pleased overall for a number of reasons including the beating of my previous time by 7ish minutes with what I thought was a much lesser effort, the even run splits and a good bike leg. If the running is going well over Summer I think I might go back and have a crack at a sub three hour time...