Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Here cometh...

Having established that I have the ability and inclination to post again allow me to set the scene. It's been over a year since the last post and in all honesty I've been very busy. Mrs Drago and I have moved house, I got made redundant, I got a new job, I did a lot of DIY and I also had a bit of a break from training. On top of that I just got enagaged, you see Mrs D and I weren't strictly legal according the big fella, not that we're legal now mind but at least we're making an effort.

The main reason for reviving the blog is that I've entered next year's Ironman Switzerland. It's roughly ten months away so lots of time to fuck things up, for now though all appears well. Weight is going down and I'm feeling fitter, having had some back issues last year I've spent quite a bit of time trying to address these by going to regular pilates and and circuit training classes. All good so far but like I said, still plenty of time to drop the F-Bomb (on top of myself).

testing testing testing...

Well it's been over a year since the last post...