2nd run of the week and 2nd run with blackheath yesterday evening. Having dressed especially Mrs Drago bottled it once we were sat in the car and ready for the off. The rain wasn't enough to put me off though and having ditched the weak and needy i was off on a solo mission. Last weeks episode had seen some suffering being dished out so i decided to even the score. This may have been partly caused by what i can only describe as goading by some of those present. What im calling goading was actually people asking whether i was ok as i waited for Mrs Drago to catch up. So, inspired by the some regular miles, my singleton running status and the fact that most people i was running with were 20-30 years my senior id decided to run with the front bunch, pushing the pace when possible.
Sounds easy but it's hard really, you've got to play it just right. Speed off into the distance on your own before you leave the carpark and 1 of 2 things can happen first is that you get dropped within 5 mins having spent your meagre load quicker then jakey spends their giro. 2nd is that you run off on your own, lost to the world and your compatriots suffering, where's the fun in that? No my friends i'm classier then that, i played the minnow in a small pond card perfectly (if i do say so myself). Started out nice and easy, reeling them, but i thought it rude to be leading. Imagine my joy when a young whipper snapper (aged 43) joined the front group and then continued to increase the pace! This was good because it meant i had someone to punish and also because, as they were a regular the others were more likely to chase and so inflict pain on themselves. It was then that we were side by side, slowly edging away from what was the leading micro group. I had some idea of the route but before too much distance was put between my SNBF (super new best friend) and the old boys i turned and asked that the route be confirmed. Enlightened with this knowledge, it was a case of GAME ON! Running side by side with SNBF up a pretty gentle gradient which i knew would last a while it was time to test the water. Gradually increasing the pace, turning the screw until you can hear your SNBFs breathing start to deepen, this is the time to keep turning! So thats exactly what i did, turning slowly, a barely noticable increase in pace, until, a small gap...
Thats when i have a dilemma, speed up or slow down? I think we know where this went. The only was is up, yeah baby!! And so that's how i spent the rest of the run, slowly trying to wring as much pain as possible from my unsuspecting SNBFs. It was awesome! By the time we got back to the finish i was soaking wet and my legs were covered in nettle stings. I'd pummelled the competition into submission and taken no prisoners. It was with no small sense of achievement that, back at the clubhouse, i thanked wally (63), arthur(61) and beryl (74) for their time and offered a few tips before jumping in the car for a shower... See you next week suckers!!!!
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5 years ago