A good week of training under the belt albeit one without a longish run or bike ride. Picked up a couple of new sessions including the one I did this morning...
3 x 10 mins as 15 secs on 15 secs off. I'd been told to stay in the same gear for the whole session and aim for a cadence of 120. Surprisingly enough the PT actually worked for the whole session which is great because without it I wouldn't have had much of a clue as to what I was doing and probably wouldn't have got so much out of it. The warm up involved getting my HR up to 160 and then... POW, the efforts begin. Got the feel after the first few that 400 watts minimum for 15 secs repeated would make for a good target. Depressing to think that some Pros put this power out for hours rather then seconds...
Halfway through first set HR is creeping up to 175, sweat everywhere, not sure I can do another 50 of these. 2nd set HR still creeping up, having lost faith in the PT HR reading I'm using the trusty suunto. It has a measurement of training effect for each session and also EPOC values. These are also creeping up. Bogeys start flying about halfway through the 2nd set and I'm spitting on the floor of my garage trying to make the efforts just slightly easier. 3rd set, even after the 5 min recovery I'm feeling awful straight away, the album I'm listening too runs out and some dreary song comes on after effort number 43/60. Walkman is flung to one side, that sort of music isn't helping. I'm battling against the clock and coming off second best, 15 seconds seems like forever on the effort and I barely notice it for the recovery. The cadence and power numbers are staying where they should be but the legs are not my friends. Last few efforts and I get a visit from a neighbour asking to borrow a saw. It's all I can do to point a finger at a box where he trys his luck. I realise that I'm down to the last two efforts and then I'm done. Thank **** for that!
New Radio Show!
5 years ago