Well it's been a while since the last post as I haven't really been doing much cycling.
A couple of club runs, a few commutes, one evening ten and an unsuccesful ride to Brighton which was cut short after a unexpected encounter between my riding companion and a ford mondeo.
The Pyrenees was less then inspiring this year and if I'm being honest I didn't particuarly enjoy it . It rained for 6 out of the 7 days we were there and on the morning of day three my PT had packed in. This really annoyed me and looking back I seemed to spend far too much time staring at the damn thing wWishing it back to life. This didn't work and I should really have just taken it all away to stop it's immense powers of distraction and torment.
So, since I've been back I have been doing a bit of running. This has been anti Drago training, I've taken out a watch which records my route and the time I've run and not much else. The runs have been with my better half who for the first few weeks was showing me heels as she skipped and danced away from me, my heavy breathing and also my cries for mercy. My legs felt really awkward at first although the heart and lungs didn't feel bad at all. It has taken the last four weeks to get to the point now where my knees and achilles aren't really sore when we run. Not too surprising when I think that I haven't run at all for the last six months.
As a result of the running I've started to re discover some of the local footpaths, bridleways and woods, I've started to crave mountain biking, which, I haven't for about six months when I killed a dropout that still hasn't been replaced. Hopefully I'll have ridden one shortly. In the mean time I'm planning on getting out on the biek this weekend for a club run and a local sportive...